Really busy at CCR this year.

The team were flat out for both days of the conference this year, showcasing our state-of-the-art technology we could not have been happier with the event!
Morpheus8 Coming soon to the UK

We’ll soon be launching our new full body fractional RF technology in the Uk!. Capable of 2, 3 and 4mm you can discover new depths, greater treatment range and better results. For any one interested in this stunning new technology, please drop us an email: or call 020 8965 2594, we’ll be happy to […]
Inmode Workshop & Wigmore Day.

Absolutely delighted with our recent workshop that we combined with ‘Wigmore Day’ at the RSM. Thanks to everyone who came and to those who we had to turn away, check out the workshop page of our website and get in touch about coming to the next one!
Upcoming Workshops…

We’ve got 3 exciting and upcoming workshops lined up: David Jack and Fractora – 26/03/19 Nicola Willis and Bodytite – 22/03/19 Hema Santhosh and Votiva – 16/05/19 Please get in touch via the website if you’d like to book your place at all or any of these!
FaceTite Highly recommended!

We’re delighted with FaceTite Highy Recommended at the 2019 Aesthetic Awards!
Break the taboo: Lets talk Women’s Menopause & Urinery Health Concerns!

That’s right, we’re going to dive into the wonderful world of menopause! As we all know, menopause is a phase that every woman goes through, and for many it can be life altering. Menopause is the natural biological process marking the end of a woman’s reproductive years. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the […]